Provisions of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated

Relative to Georgia's State Flag

Sec. 50-3-1. Description of state flag; militia to carry flag.

The flag of the State of Georgia shall be a vertical band of blue occupying one-third of the entire flag nearest to the flagstaff. The remainder of the space shall be a square, two-thirds the length of the flag, having a red background with a broad saltire of blue bordered with white on which 13 white mullets or five-pointed stars, corresponding in number to that of the Confederate States of America as recognized by the Confederate States Congress, are emblazoned; so that such remainder shall be the same as the union of the flag of the Confederate States as approved and cited in Statutes at Large of the Confederate States Congress, lst and 2nd Sessions, 1862-63, 1863-64, and approved May 1, 1863, such remainder being popularly known as the Battle Flag of the Confederacy. On the blue field shall be stamped, painted, or embroidered the coat of arms of the state. Every force of the organized militia shall carry this flag when on parade or review.

Sec. 50-3-2. Pledge of allegiance to state flag.

The following is adopted as the pledge of allegiance to the state flag:

"I pledge allegiance to the Georgia flag and to the principles for which it stands: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation."


Sec. 50-3-3. Display of state flag.

The state flag shall be displayed on appropriate occasions in the public and private schools of this state and in all patriotic meetings, and the citizens of the state are requested to take the pledge of allegiance set out in Code Section 50-3-2.


Sec. 50-3-4. Designation of Secretary of State as custodian of state flag,, procurement and furnishing of flags to schools.

The Secretary of State is designated as the custodian of the state flag. From funds made available for such purpose, the Secretary of State shall procure suitable state flags; and he shall be authorized to furnish, without cost, to the various public schools of this state, to the superior and state courts, and to other departments and agencies of the state, counties, or municipal authorities, such flags for their use in displaying same. From such funds he is authorized to procure such flags and facsimiles thereof as may cause the flag sufficiently and properly to be made known and displayed.


Sec. 50-3-4.1. School superintendents and administrative officials authorized to display copies of national motto and American and Georgia flags in certain places; means of acquisition.

(a) Local school superintendents of the public schools in this state and the appropriate administrative officials of the various institutions and agencies of this state, provided that sufficient funds or the items themselves are available as provided in subsection (b) of this Code section, are authorized to place a durable poster or framed copy representing the following which may be displayed in each public elementary and secondary school library and classroom in this state and in each public building or facility in this state which is maintained or operated by state funds:

(1) Our national motto, "In God We Trust";

(2) A true and correct representation of the American flag, which shall

be centered under the national motto; and

(3) A true and correct representation of the Georgia state flag-

(b) The copies or posters authorized by this Code section shall either

be donated or shall be purchased solely with funds made available through voluntary contributions to the local school boards in the case of displays in public schools or to the Georgia Building Authority in the case of displays in state buildings and facilities.


Sec. 50-3-5. Preservation of Confederate flags.

The flags of the Georgia troops who served in the army of the Confederate States, and which have been returned to the state by the United States government, shall be preserved for all time in the capitol as priceless mementos of the cause they represented and of the heroism and patriotism of the men who bore them.


Sec. 50-3-6. Display of Spanish-American War flags.

The flags of the Georgia regiments which engaged in the Spanish-American War shall be displayed in the corridors of the capitol in a manner similar to those of the Confederate regiments.


Sec. 50-3-7. Duty of Governor to accept flags.

When any flag referred to in Code Section 50-3-5 or 50-3-6 is offered to the state, it shall be the duty of the Governor to accept it in behalf of the state and to make such provisions for its preservation as may be necessary to protect and preserve it from the ravages of time, dust, and moths.


Sec. 50-3-8. Use of national, state, or Confederate flag for advertising, selling, or promoting the sale of merchandise unlawful.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to copy, print, publish, or otherwise use the flag of the United States, the flag, coat of arms, or state emblem of the State of Georgia, or the flag or emblem of the Confederate States of America, or any flag or emblem used by the Confederate States of America at any time within the years 1860 to 1865, both inclusive, for the purpose of advertising, selling, or promoting the sale of any article of merchandise whatever in this state.

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Code section, any person, firm, or corporation which contracts with the state to publish an official publication shall be authorized to use the state emblem on the cover of the publication. Utilization by the contracting person, firm, or corporation of the cover of the publication, with the state emblem thereon, for advertising purposes shall not constitute a violation of subsection (a) of this Code section.


Sec. 50-3-9. Abuse of federal, state, or Confederate flag unlawful.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to mutilate,

deface, defile, or abuse contemptuously the flag of the United States, the flag, coat of arms, or emblem of the State of Georgia, or the flag or emblem of the Confederate States of America by any act whatever.


Sec. 50-3-10. Use of flag for decorative or patriotic purposes.

Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the use of the flag

of the United States or any flag, standard, color, shield, ensign, or other insignia of the State of Georgia or of the Confederate States of America for decorative or patriotic purposes, either inside or outside of any residence, store, place of business, public building, or school building.


Sec. 50-3-11. Penalty.

Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision of Code

Section 50-3-8 or 50-3-9 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

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