MARY SEARFOSS began knitting fanciful and colorful hats for children about 15 years ago.
She saw the children playing outside, in the cold, without hats.Mary learned to knit from a neighbor in Marshall, MO, when she was 9 years old.Over the years, she has taught many people to knit.Mrs. Searfoss has knitted hats for children attending Head Start, the Williams Center, the Children's Therapy and Early Education School, the Public Health Center, and several preschool and kindergarten classrooms. |
she is ready to deliver over 200 hats to Mexico area children and to Stitching
for America to help Joplin children.
people in Audrain County and the Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe in
Columbia donate yarn to Mrs. Searfoss to use for the caps.
In 2022
Mary died of old age of 100 years at her apartment at Kings Daughters in Mexico,
"I prefer to streak with a hat"
Red Go-Hat