Research at Dallas Research, Atlanta, Georgia
We have spent several months researching the narrow band light and have compiled our observations for you. Although the stated purpose of the research was to observe its effects on homeostasis in the body, our results have more to do with psychological and emotional responses because this is what was reported back to us by our test subjects. We find these responses very interesting and full of potential for using your equipment in a very fulfilling way with our clients. The Mind Spa is a personal growth and counseling center, therefore, having light therapy as an adjunct to our treatment programs holds much promise as you will see from the compiled observations. I am listing these in a casual style. They are, for the most part, direct quotes but I am not using quotation marks. Consider each phrase before a period as one quote from one individual. The next phrase, followed by a period, refers to another individual.
Comments about individual [narrow band frequencies that appear as] colors
[Frequency that appears as] RED -Intense, aggravating. Heart racing, beating in rhythm with the pulsation (of the light). Energizing. Uncomfortable. Warm, restless, irritable. Throbbing in my head, couldnt stand it. Makes the area around my eyes ache.
[Frequency that appears as] ORANGE - no responses.
[Frequency that appears as] YELLOW - Made my heart jump, fun and calming. Saw sparkly things in it. Friendly. So pleasurable, I closed my eyes.
[Frequency that appears as] GREEN - Opened channels of energy like pulses down through my legs and out my feet, soothing thoughts of healing, excited. Two circles that turned into an infinity sign (figure 8) that started spinning around my body. It seemed to go into my hurt left shoulder and I felt it tingle in my left side. Like a cool breeze, erratic and bouncing around with the yellow. Cool sensation like a new feeling. Feels smooth. Penetrating.
[Frequency that appears as] BLUE-GREEN - A shape like Saturn in the lower right hand quadrant. Could stay there all day. Felt comfortably connected with the earth. Too intense, pulsing eyeballs, pulled me away from my body.
[Frequency that appears as] BLUE - Very calming. Brought out awareness and sadness of what Im not aware of. Set up a vibration that shook up the toxins in my infected ankle and let them "lift off my body." Inquisitive.
Allowed me to breathe deeper.
[Frequency that appears as] INDIGO - Soothing. Filled my vision with a mandala shape with streamers coming out that were sparkly. Faster heartbeat. Relaxing. Briefly saw Arabic characters. Made (along with purple) two overlapping circles making a lower case cursive "L" that was very exciting. (n.b. His drawing of the "L" was a vesica pisces formed by the overlapping part of the circles.)
[Frequency that appears as] VIOLET - Always soothing and cooling. Like an embryo trying to be released. Sensuous, passionate. Like two hands pulling into view something concealed. Comforting. Moving and dancing. Relaxing.
Several comments were about elicited thought patterns. Semi-colons are used to connect several phrases by one person.
[Frequency that appears as] RED - A room with bars around me; felt hurt emotionally.
[Frequency that appears as] ORANGE - Thoughts of high school; people thought I was a genius; my mother did too but she saw negative things about me.
[Frequency that appears as] YELLOW - Power, creativity, prosperity. I started making affirmations about money.
[Frequency that appears as] GREEN - Healing; supported emotionally by my mother but not by my father.
[Frequency that appears as] BLUE - Money and water. I wanted to expand my consciousness. Introspective about life; "thats God." Discomforting memories of dental work.
[Frequency that appears as] VIOLET - I wondered if Id like my wife in that color, but probably not; its more spiritual than physical.
Comments on the whole session:
Warm colors made me feel good - warmth like the sun; cool colors brought up deep issues.
Time seemed to change; the rate at which the colors changed seemed to get slower; the last color put me in a trance state; when I stood up, my sense of self expanded, larger than life. I saw the colors as a hologram. Very stimulating. The colors gave me psychological space from my issues.
We intend to continue research with your machine. We have plans for using the [narrow band light] in actual counseling sessions to stimulate conversation with clients on their deeper issues. We also intend to give over control of the colors to the person using the machine in order to give them ownership in the process. In this way, we can let them utilize those colors that pull them into whatever area they wish to play in. Our use of the term "play" is deliberate and fits our philosophy of mental healing.
We are pleased with what it had elicited thus far in our clientele and look forward to further discoveries.
Carol Dallas
Director of Operations
Using the latest automated narrow band light instrument, and sophisticated biofeedback analysis sensors, and computers, research with narrow band light is being conducted under the direction of Robert Dallas, Ph.D.