World of Coke


World of Coke

Information About Coke

Coke is a fuel with few impurities and a high carbon content and it is used when purity and high carbon content is desired. Coke is used worldwide in blast furnaces. Coke is used most often in making metals.

Coke, is a hard gray fuel. According to the New Columbia Encyclopedia, coke bears the same relation to coal as does charcoal to wood.

Coke is made in brick furnaces with bituminous coal as the source.

Coke making produces by-products which are: ammonia, coal tar, and gaseous compounds, which are saved, but can also be environmental pollutants.

Coke can be made also in a destructive distillation process. According to the New Columbia Encyclopedia, only a small amount of coke is made in the coke distillation process.

Without the high temperatures coke can produce, steel making would be more difficult.  It might be that without coke, the industrial revolution itself would not have taken place.  How would the industrial revolution have "worked" without steel?

Production of coke outside the USA remains relatively small: in 1998 North America produced 80% of world petroleum coke. A number of new Latin American coking units have begun producing petroleum coke from heavy local crude oils, providing new competition.

History of coke from the Wikipedia

The use of coke as a fuel was pioneered in 17th century England in response to the ever-growing problem of European deforestation. Wood was becoming increasingly scarce and expensive, and coal's fumes, particularly smoke and sulfur compounds, disqualified it from many applications, including cooking and iron smelting. In 1603, Sir Henry Platt suggested that coal might be charred in a manner analogous to the way charcoal is produced from wood. This process was not put into practice, however, until 1642, when coke was used for roasting malt in Derbyshire. (Coal could not be used in brewing, because its sulfurous fumes would impart a foul taste to the resulting beer.) Perhaps more significantly, in 1709, Abraham Darby set up a coke-fired blast furnace to produce cast iron. The ensuing availability of inexpensive iron was one of the factors leading to the European industrial revolution.

More on coke from the Wikipedia

Coke is a Solid Fuel  

Petroleum coke There is a petroleum coke. Petroleum coke is the solid residue left over in the cracking process in oil refinement.

Natural coke There is a natural coke. Natural coke is also called carbonite coke. Natural coke is formed by metamorphism from bituminous coal when intrusive igneous rock cuts across a vein of coal.

New Importance of Coke

As the world oil-related energy situation deepens in the years ahead, fuel forms made from coal will become even more important. Coke, similar to gasoline in that it can produce very high temperatures from relatively small physical volumes may find new uses outside industrial settings at the consumer level.   Coke is not as convenient or practical as gasoline or fuel oil is today.  But because coke contains high levels of chemical to heat energy potentials, coke is an interestingly interesting energy source.

Market Information About Coke

Marsulex Inc. (TSX: MLX) announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Oxbow Industrial Services, LLC ("OIS"), a leading provider of in-refinery petroleum coke ("petcoke") cutting and bulk handling services to major oil refineries in the U.S. Gulf Coast and West Coast and Venezuela, from Oxbow Carbon & Minerals LLC.  For complete story see: 

Marsulex: Laurie Tugman, President and CEO, Tel: (416) 496-4157; or Edward R. (Ted) Irwin, Chief Financial Officer, Tel: (416) 496-4164; Oxbow Carbon & Minerals LLC: Brian Acton, President and COO, Tel: (561) 640-8730 or Brad Goldstein Corporate Communications Director, Tel: (561) 640-8822

For Global Trading Information on coke, see Corporation and its licensors:

Coke Importers
United States Coke
China Coke
India Coke

Search Google:  "coke commodity "

Be sure to see the Web site for: 

The Association for Iron & Steel Technology


Coke in the news:

DEC finds `no public health concerns' RE Tonawanda Coke shutdown 

Tonawanda Coke

$5.5 million released to study how Tonawanda Coke’s poisons affected neighbors.

After more than two years of waiting, advocates of a public health study into Tonawanda Coke’s manufacturing operations got more than a simple approval last week. Buffalo News, New York. 

India biggest importer of US oil refinery byproduct the bottom-of-the-barrel leftover from refining Canadian tar sands crude and other heavy oils, is cheaper and burns hotter than coal. But it also contains more planet-warming carbon and far more heart- and lung-damaging sulfur.

India to ban imports of petcoke as concerns about air pollution grow

The Indian government will phase out imports of petroleum coke, or petcoke, though the use of petcoke within the country continues to be debated. An AP report found US oil refineries are exporting the product to India in huge amounts, unable to unload it at home.

Tonawanda Coke cleanup worries neighbors.

Neighbors near Tonawanda Coke are worried about their health.

DEC proposes 'expedited cleanup' at part of Tonawanda Coke site.

Coke plant cleanup efforts continue.   cooperating with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency order to monitor and analyze soil and groundwater at the former Ashland Coke Plant

Petcoke operator out of Chicago

Koch brothers' firm threatens lawsuit over Chicago petcoke rules

Criminal Charges Coke

Coal-burning NY coke plant fined $12.5M for Clean Air Act violations; manager gets jail, fine

Soil testing results for neighbors of Tonawanda Coke. Sentencing day could come with prison time for Tonawanda Coke’s environmental control manager and millions of dollars in fines for the company for violating the Clean Air Act. Buffalo WIVB, New York. 4 March 2014.

Toxic chemicals found in soil of homes near Tonawanda Coke plant. Air monitoring showing elevated levels of benzene and other toxic emissions in the Town of Tonawanda’s western industrial corridor has been well-documented. Now a local citizens group is studying whether that pollution has also infiltrated the soil in nearby neighborhoods. Buffalo News, New York. 4 March 2014.

llinois expands crackdown on petroleum coke.  Michael Hawthorne Chicago Tribune

Pet coke storage controversy isn't over for Detroit, just relocated.
The controversy over large petroleum coke piles stored along the Detroit River. . Detroit Free Press, Michigan

Petroleum Coke is a big issue in Illinois.  But not an emergency.

Coke piles suggest the future of Canadian tar sands oil.

This summer 2013, residents of Chicago’s far southeast side noticed mountains of black dust growing in one corner of the neighborhood. It’s petroleum coke -- pet coke for short. That's what gasoline refineries produce as a byproduct of refining gasoline. It’s full of carbon, sulphur and heavy metals. MarketPlace


In a complaint filed Monday in Cook County Illinois, Circuit Court, Madigan accused KCBX Terminals of repeatedly violating state law by allowing lung-damaging particulate matter to swirl off piles of petroleum coke and coal along the Calumet River.,0,6192697.story

Petroleum coke from BP oil refinery piles up in Chicago.

Just south of the Chicago Skyway bridge, a dusty byproduct of the Canadian oil boom is piling up in huge black mountains along the Calumet River. More is on the way. A lot more. Chicago Tribune, Illinois

Illinois EPA cracks down on owner of petcoke pile on Southeast Side.

Faced with complaints about black clouds of dust swirling into two Chicago neighborhoods, state environmental regulators are cracking down on one of the companies piling up huge mounds of refinery waste on the Southeast Side. Chicago Tribune, Illinois

Push on for petroleum coke study before Keystone pipeline gets OK. A U.S. congressman is calling for a complete health review of petroleum coke before Washington approves the Keystone XL Pipeline. Michigan Representative Gary Peters claims that one third of the cheap, combustible carbon byproduct, used mainly in overseas power plants, comes from the Alberta oilsands. CBC Canada. 30 May 2013.

Carondelet Coke was one of the most polluted places in Missouri.  Allied Chemical and Ironton Coke was one of the most contaminated sites in Ohio.

Each scored high enough on a hazard scale to be considered for inclusion on the U.S. government's priority list for cleaning toxic sites.


By-products and wastes generated by the gasification process included polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and other contaminants and hazardous substances including benzene, arsenic, heavy metals, tar, oil, coal, lampblack, and coke.

The largest company still operating there is Walter Coke, which is being sued in a class-action lawsuit by a North Birmingham resident on behalf of area property owners. Walter Coke processes coal to produce coke for fuel use in blast furnaces and foundries in the steel industry.

Tonawanda Coke Corp. charged with violating water act

Aug. 27 -- The Tonawanda Coke Corp., of Tonawanda, N.Y., faces another round of environmental orders from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA has now accused the company of violating its Clean Water Act permit...MORE»


EPA cites coke plant for cyanide violations. Tonawanda Coke is in hot water with the Environmental Protection Agency again. Buffalo News, New York. 27 August 2010.


Feds charge Tonawanda coke with environmental crimes.

The Tonawanda Coke Corporation and its Environmental Control Manager Mark Kamholz are charged with 20 federal crimes; most of them are violations of the federal Clean Air Act. People who live by the plant have been complaining of air quality and high cancer rates for years. Buffalo WGRZ TV


Erie Coke plant casts a long, unhealthy shadow 

Buffalo News - Mark Sommer - ‎Jun 19, 2010‎

Owner of Erie Coke plant pays environmental fines 

Buffalo News - Mark Sommer - ‎Jun 18, 2010‎

Tonawanda Coke Corp. faces more EPA orders

April 30 -- The Tonawanda Coke Corp. in Tonawanda, N.Y., is facing yet another set of orders from the U.S. Environmental Protection... MORE»

Manager arrested, company cited for enviro violations

Jan. 29 2010-- An environmental manager for Tonawanda Coke Corp. has been arrested and several environmental allegations have been made against the company following a lengthy investigation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.  Link here:

Council asks Tonawanda Coke to be better neighbor. The City of Tonawanda Common Council is asking nearby chemical facilities to be better neighbors by reducing the amount of a carcinogenic chemical that they release into the air, potentially putting city residents’ health at risk. North Tonawanda News, New York. 7 January 2009.

Monroe spends $150,000 and counting to halt coke plant. The city says the coke plant would emit thousands of tons per year of new pollutants into the air of Butler County, which does not meet federal air quality standards designed to protect public health. Middletown Journal, Ohio. 25 February 2009.

Ohio EPA: It's OK to start building $340M coke plant. SunCoke Energy has the go-ahead to start construction on its $340 million coke oven facility in Middletown. Middletown Journal, Ohio. 22 January 2009.

See also: Comtex News Network, Inc.  Search coke

Proposed coke plant raises concerns for neighboring communities

By Duane Ramsey
Toledo Free Press Staff Writer


November 2007--Sandy Bihn doesn't know her possible new neighbors, but she's leery about what their presence in her community could mean.

Bihn, a member of Oregon City Council, is concerned about the amount of air and water pollution a proposed industrial facility to be located along the border of Oregon and Toledo would release into the environment. The plant, which would produce coke, a byproduct of coal, for use in North American steel and foundry facilities, will be built on an area the City of Toledo pledged to keep as wetlands when it expanded its water treatment plant on York Street south of the site, said Bihn, executive director of the Western Lake Erie Waterkeeper Association.

“The site is right across the river from Point Place so those residents should be concerned about the potential pollution from it,” Bihn said. “Most communities would have a lot of interest, but Toledo seems to be apathetic toward environmental issues.”

Click for full story:

New Coke Plant Controversy:
From the Middletown Journal, Middletown, Ohio

Cocaine "coke" is also a well known slang term for cocaine.  For further information about cocaine search with Google, AllTheWeb, Lycos, or other Web search sites.  For other definitions please also see The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language


Big Steel 

Coke oven pictures

Mountains of Fire

Coke fire

Homestead Strike & Lockout of 1892

Cokemaking and Coke Resource

Fueling a Revolution

Technical detail on coke

Thunder of Protest

More technical detail on coke

Making coke can be a dirty process: an Illinois petroleum coke maker was cited for air violations

In July 2005 a coke drying plant near Chicago, Illinois was facing government action regarding alleged air pollution violations at Lemont, Ill.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency alleges that the company modified the plant, causing significant emission increases, without obtaining permits that would have required the installation of additional pollution controls. The company also allegedly failed to report the modifications in its state operating permit application and failed to comply with testing and monitoring requirements, the EPA said.  The emissions that allegedly increased included volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide.  Source:


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